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Apply to Teach

To apply to teach please send your bio, 2 to 5 class descriptions, testimonials and/or video of you teaching to

Best Teaching Practices

At Mission Fusion we take pride in offering top quality group lessons.  Please adhere to the following guidelines at your MF classes:


  • Be early and prepared for your class.  We start classes at 8:00 (on time).  Please begin the class with a very brief beginner 'how to' if there are newbies in the class.  Also starting with a nonessential warm up allows late comers to enter easily.  

  • As the instructor you are influential in setting the tone of the entire dance. With that in mind encourage people:

    • To introduce themselves to new partners​

    • To have fun

    • To be and feel like part of the community

  • Have a rotation plan.  Include the opportunity for 'switch' dancers to do both roles.  If you teach the entire class switch please give an option if someone prefers not to do both roles or if they are uncomfortable dancing with a particular person.  If there are extra leaders or followers please make sure everyone is getting plenty of dancing time.

  • This is a true all levels class.  There will be newbies as well as seasoned dancers. Please teach to both.  Stacking concepts and moving into more advanced material toward the end of class is great as long as the beginners have simpler options. 

  • Use nongendered leader/follower, people, everyone, and ya'll (my personal favorite) language, rather than he or she.

  • Keep your teaching/talking time short.  If you need to explain a concept see how you can do that with your students practicing the idea simultaneously.  Less talking = more dancing/learning!

  • Involve and interact with your students.  i.e. Ask them questions, encourage their questions, never pass up a good joke or way to get people laughing.

  • When a student speaks repeat their words back if there is any doubt that the whole class could hear them.

  • Leave time for a review at the end of the lesson.  

  • Please end on time at 9:30!



Come dance with us!

First and third Saturdays 

All levels lesson 8:00 to 9:00pm

Fusion Dance 9:00 to 12:00am

Sliding Scale

Class & Dance - $15-$25

Dance only $10-20

(pricing differs for special event nights)



Come dance with us!


St. Gregory of Nyssa Church

500 De Haro St.

San Francisco, CA 94107





Emily Webb

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Mission Fusion® is a registered trademark of Emily Webb. by Emily Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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